Welcome back…again

Content Warning: Talk of Covid and Death

Hi, it has been a while. I think the last published post I had here was back in something like 2019. I am sorry about that. So here I am back again trying to start from the beginning. Of course, I will continue to revamp old posts and put them on here in a more organized fashion, but I also want to start being more consistent with posting new material. With that being said let me tell you about the last 4 years.

Covid hit our family hard. Not in the sense that we got sick, but in the sense we got isolated. With Ella’s immune system, we had no in-person contact with A LOT of people. I went remote with my job and created a little office corner in my garage (don’t worry it’s attached and it’s heated, we also bought an air conditioner for the summer months) since our house is not big enough for an office space in the actual house. Ella also went virtual learning for school and we just stayed in. Things seemed to be all well and good though people called us crazy and such because of how concerned we were about everything. We knew people who had had the virus and seemed to come out fine but on Christmas 2020 we lost the first person close to us and that was my Uncle. That started a really rough year of my life because from Christmas 2020 to Christmas 2021 I lost about 8 people including my Aunt, Grandma, and a couple of old friends. The last one was my dad. We lost him on 12.19.21…It hit me pretty hard, especially since the last time I talked to him was that Monday, and we were talking about finally getting together after the new year to celebrate Christmas. But the day after I spoke to him I received a call from my stepmom stating that he went unresponsive and his heart stopped. They worked on him for 30 minutes and got him back. He was in a coma on life support for 4 days while they ran every test they could and tried everything they could but unfortunately, we had decided to take him off of life support as all the tests had showed that he was no longer here. He had been sick for a few months. He got Covid in August of 2021 from there it seemed his health went downhill. In September he had a heart attack, in October he had 2 mini strokes which put him in the hospital and then rehab until right before Thanksgiving. He was home for just about 3 weeks before he had I believe it was a massive ischemic event, that he just never recovered from.

Although there were a lot of negative things that happened in the last 4 years, we have had a lot of positive things as well. In February of 2021, we welcomed our 3rd little one into the world. Who also happened to be our first little boy, little LJ. My husband and I celebrated 5 years together in 2020. I started doing things I enjoyed including streaming online playing video games which is something my dad and I shared a passion for. In doing so I have met some incredible people who have become some of my closest friends. I have also started reading and crafting again. I was in a dark place after my dad passed and I’ve started to rediscover my passions and continue to grow personally as well as take care of my mental health.

Other things that have happened in the last 4 years are that Margo, as well as LJ, have both been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, I was “diagnosed” with ADHD it’s not officially on my chart but the doctors gave me medication for it and it helps so I will take it as I have been fighting for help for years and finally got some. I was also diagnosed with PCOS which is why I was struggling so hard to lose weight after the kids. So my physical health is another thing I’m working on as it was something that seemed to be put on the back burner with all of the kids’ diagnoses and health issues.

I know this was a lot of information and not a lot of explanation, I will probably go into more depth of things later on this was just a summary of the last 4 years. Things I want to accomplish here are creating a place where people can see they are not alone and helping people when I can. So again I say Welcome Back.

One Comment

  1. You are definitely not alone. You know I am always here to listen and help in any way I can.

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