Reflections Of 2016, The Good, Bad & The Ugly

As the year comes to a close her are my reflections of 2016.

This year has brought heartache, love, worries, and joy. As I sit here watching my daughter play with my brother in laws puppy I can’t help but remember how this year went. Its 6 right now as I start writing this only 6 more hours left of the year to write down my reflections

The Ugly and Bad

I started this year all planned to budget and be financially stable, but come March I lost all interest. When March came around Ella got really sick and on my birthday we had to take her to the ER due to high fever. Later that day we found out she had RSV and she had to be admitted. We spent a whole week there and I didn’t leave her side. Her heart rate was out of wack and so was her O2 saturations throughout the week. I, being a concerned special needs mama called all of her  specialist to just make sure everything was okay. It was just the RSV running its course. Once she was healthy enough to come home I lost all focus of my new years resolutions and just focused on Ella. She is fine now obviously but still scared me.

This was Ella during her hospital stay this year.
Even when sick her smile never leaves.

Then May came around my husband lost his job which was absolutely devastating. What were we gonna do I was a stay at home mom, he was our only source of income. Thankfully we were able to budget and learn to live within our means and make it through. It was hard but we made it. That’s why this year we are sticking to a budget and learning to save. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Then as my previous post I lost my fur baby Brit the Monday before Christmas. Currently I am having some issues cause my brother in laws puppy looks a lot like her. Maybe this year we will get 2 more puppies one for me and one for Ella 🙂

The Good

This year we had a lot of ugly and bad things happen to our family but we also had a lot of good things happen to us too. My husband was able to get not one but 2 jobs which helped us out a lot. Ella got to go to yearly visits for Cardiology and Pulmonology. She also doesn’t need to have another sleep study for a year. I will write about her next one cause it is NOT a pretty sight lol. I also got a job…though I don’t really want to leave Ella. She is starting Preschool soon and the job I got will be good for me.

I got a job as a substitute teacher, which means I can work as much or as little as I want. With my anxiety I am petrified to leave Ella. When I am away from her I always get anxious. This job will let me start out small and work my way up. I haven’t worked since 4 days before Ella was born. That was over 2.5 years ago, so thankfully with this slow start my anxiety won’t be to bad.

Well family is starting to come so I should probably go. Have a safe and Happy New Years Eve. If you are drinking tonight please please PLEASE have a dd or call a cab.